Name: Lori Shupak – Physical Therapist/Owner


If you could write your own job title/description that best describes what you do, what would it be? My job is to help people improve their overall health and well-being. I tailor my approach with each individual to meet their specific needs, goals, and expectations. Each day I try to help each person in anyway that I can. Although the focus is on physical health, I am a physiotherapist who, through hands-on treatment, good conversation and positive energy attempts to treat the entire human being.


Best part about your job? The fact that I get to do what I love doing and people thank me for it. I feel like I should be thanking my patients for allowing me to do my job. I go home from work grateful everyday and gain such positive energy from helping others and working with my colleagues and patients.


Hobbies: Sports (hockey, golf, watersports, snowboarding), lake time, reading, hanging with pups, music, and games that are “just for fun!”


Favourite book/podcast? Harry Potter series and Unlocking Us podcast by the brilliant Brene Brown.


Cats or dogs? Dogs, but it’s close….. they win by a hairball.


If you were a superhero, what would your super power be? I just want to be a graduate from Hogwart’s so that I’d possess the skills and powers that they have.



Master of Science In Physical Therapy MScPT

Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology BScKin

Gunn IMS (IntraMuscular Stimulation)

Certified in Medical Acupuncture (CMAc),

Complete Concussion Management Certified (CCMI)

Certified for Pelvic Health Solutions (for Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Pain Condition management)

Level Three Manual Therapy

Graston Technique

Orthotic Group Certification

Spinal Manipulation Roster

Canine Physiotherapy Certificate



Lori Shupak, Physiotherapist

Call Now: 780-939-5150
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